wahss..2dae ish nCC dae n we clash wiff st john!!! simon sucks coz he took so long tym 2 recite a idiot speech ..hahahs..nCc beta lo speech nicer n shorter..speaker more presentable..wat 4 send an idiot dere 2 recite speech!! hahhas.den we go tuas naval base to c 3 ships n d water at sea sucks coz it taste funny..!! anywaes i drank half a cup..hahs..den hav dinner wiff staff yiling jarad jason ivan gim hwa at coffee shop den we go home..haiz..durin tt he sms mii 4 d 1st tym he sms me 1st..laz tym ish i sms den he reply..haiz..he sae when i tok to him he feel accompanied.!!! oh my gosh im so hapi!!! n he sae i can stick wiff him moz of d tym!!! hahahs....ahahahahahaha...my dreams all cum true..hahsh..nw recess dun wori no wan to eat wiff!!...thks 4 makin my dae!! hahahs..nw my mum rush mii go bathe..write till here..jhhahahas..cnt imagine hw hapi i am?? sumwher over the rainbow..hahhs...bb..gdnites..hapi nCC dae..!!!